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Niels Weber

Alexandre Cazes

Trained in systemic and family therapy by Drs. G. Salem, N. Frenck and M. Elkaïm, I worked on the support of families in difficulty, then in a specialized center in the treatment of addictions. By combining these experiences with a strong interest in the development of digital technologies

and how we use them to modify our interactions, I have specialized in hyperconnectivity situations. I defend the idea that clinicians do not need a "cyber-addiction" diagnosis to be able to work. On the contrary, these behaviours should rather be understood as symptoms of an

uneasiness, and not the pathology itself. I explore this field as a member of the GREA (Groupement Romand d’Etude des Addictions) committee and doing prevention in schools, but especially with parents and professionals. I regularly collaborate with Dr. Serge Tisseron, in particular by contributing to the publications of his website 3-6-9-12. I am also involved as president of the Gaming Federation association, whose aim is to promote the culture of video games in Switzerland and to raise awareness among players and their entourage about responsible gaming. I am also editor-in-chief for

Today, as an independent psychotherapist in Lausanne, our team works on post-modern family issues. So I receive families with difficulties with the screens (games, social medias, TV shows, smartphones,…) on a daily basis. This applies to children, adolescents and adults alike. In particular, we have set up a partnership with the city of Lausanne, in which the city takes charge of these consulting families. This is a unique project in Switzerland. I remain convinced that digital activities represent a fabulous field of exploration for emotional, identity and relational issues.

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